Lovely write up by Paul Myers on his blog. Paul’s one of those people who I’ve ‘known’ for ageas through the internet but never met – and it was a real pleasure to meet Paul on Sunday for real – albeit in strange circumstances and with a sling round my neck. Paul (@sprocdoc) has helped me out (on Twitter) from afar in the past with various injuries – or just chivvying me along – so it seemed appropriate that I was not at my peak fitness when I saw him.
His rideitself was another of those ‘not the fastest ever’ ones but ultimately a very steady ride (or as steady as they go). Lovely anecdote too about potentially saving the life of a foreigh rider on the wrong side of the road..!
“From Ribblehead I was a bit alarmed to see a rider in front of me on the wrong side of the road, blithely riding round blind bends in danger from on-coming traffic. Catching him up I realised he was foreign, Italian I think, so shouted that he needed to be on the left. He duly latched onto my back wheel sheltering from the headwind!”
Read in full here on Paul’s blog