Three Peaks Cyclocross Blog

A personal blog and pointer to all I find on the www about the 3 Peaks Cyclocross

My blog for 2024

Just as inevitable as the stiff back, tired quads and achy shoulder at this time of year is Dave’s blog. I’ve been writing about the race for longer than I care to remember, and here’s my 2024 account

The two main road sections are the restaurants of this race. My choice from the self-prepared buffet this year was served by helper Alan Dorrington and had an entree of caffeine gel and a main course of Tim Lawson’s wonderful Stealth Big Endurance Mix. That made for about 130g of carbohydrate in total and all went down so easily. The eateries were even more significant this year because I had a new ‘strategy’ of not taking a bottle cage on my bike. My experience had told me that in many recent years I simply hadn’t had time to drink off-road at all, so the extra weight and annoying digging-in-your-backness of a bottle seemed daft. I’m very glad to say it was an excellent decision.”

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