I thought to myself that Jason Miles had lost the usual smile to his face yesterday when I saw him at Cold Cotes, and Ribblehead. It turned out that he’d nearly lost his face to smile with in the first place on the descent from Ingleborough.
“I think I was heading over to the right, but I somehow managed to twist my weight around and over-corrected things and headed over to the left instead. In mid-air I pitched forward and landed on my forehead. To be more accurate I landed on the front of my helmet which emitted a loud and expensive-sounding cracking noise and was driven into my forehead. I lay there for a few seconds, waiting for the pain of a broken something-or-other to kick in but thankfully it didn’t. My head was hurting and my lower back bore the full force of the saddle belting it so sitting down on the saddle for the remainder of the race was pretty uncomfortable”